7 Persistent and Harmful Player Support Misconceptions That Will Affect the Player Experience

Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

Nothing breaks an immersive game experience like needing to reach out for help. A poor Player Support experience will make it worse. Over the years Player Support (PS) has become an increasingly important aspect of the Player Experience for many game studios.

Throughout my career, I have however come across many misconceptions on PS. While seemingly minor, they can have a long-term impact on the total Player Experience, which affects retention and revenue. But they also have a direct impact on the efficiency of your Player Support operations.

Here is my pick of 7 persistent and harmful Player Support misconceptions that will affect the Player Experience.

1) Anyone can be a Player Support specialist/lead

Many companies hire people to player-facing positions without the right experience, attitude or skills. This often stems from lack of preparation, budget & time-pressure or simply even lack of awareness on the role or the specialist skills required to interact with players. Experienced PS specialists and leads are also very rare as the majority of them eagerly switch career path completely after only a few years on the job.


Underestimating the importance of hiring the right people can eventually lead to bigger challenges as a company tries to expand, scale operations, or even change CRM tools or service providers. These are exercises that cost a company precious time and resources, which are of course rather avoided. But it can even surface in very basic player-facing communication, which will impair the Player Experience when it is most needed. Hire smart, hire the best fit, hire for long term benefit.

2) Service in English is sufficient

Not everyone who plays games is proficient in English. The top 10 most profitable markets for mobile games generate 50–80% of the total market revenue and require localisation in a total of 15 languages for maximum effect. While game terminology usually translates well, interpreting words and game concepts in a non-proficient language is still very different from actual communication.

Localising User Acquisition assets often sets the expectation that companies are committed to delivering a fully local experience. For some markets, this is a very sensitive topic with a severe impact on the local Player Experience, service satisfaction and potential revenue. On the other hand, providing service in every possible language is not feasible. Pick the right battles and chose the languages to support strategically, or end up leaving a lot of potential revenue on the table.

3) AI will (soon) replace humans in Player Support

Sometimes studios have reservations on hiring Player Support specialists, because “the future…”. Automation will probably replace a lot of jobs. It’s not just in the support profession; anyone performing menial and automatable tasks is at risk. Many Player Support teams are already using automation, bots and conversational FAQs as the first point of contact filters. It’s a very effective way to save on resources while increasing service efficiency. It does however require specialists who understand the Player Experience and Player Support workflows to build and maintain.


Automation will however not be able to mimic skills in human interaction anytime soon. Detecting emotions, understanding context and subtext, knowing when to deviate from policies or guidelines, showing relatedness or compassion; those are currently out of reach for machines. Remember how chatbots were going to provide support like humans? Don’t hold your breath, allocate budget for tools and specialists.

4) Satisfied players = Loyal players

Player satisfaction can equate to loyalty, but human relationships are more complicated than that. While satisfaction might help overcome a negative experience in the short term, player loyalty is the sum of all experiences. Satisfied players will only retain if they don’t get a better experience somewhere else. The same applies to less satisfied players.

5) Opinions and reports are only valid in large numbers

At what point do you alert the team of negative feedback or reports of possible erroneous behaviour? Only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complain. The rest churn. It is plausible to assume that players act as any other consumer, so best pay heed to this. Absence of feedback is not a sign of player satisfaction. Indifference kills business.

The exception to the rule are requests for assistance: f.e. retrieving a lost account, refund requests or misplaced purchased items — to name a few. The Contact Rate of these types of messages is usually much higher due to the perceived emotional and financial loss.

However, before raising the alarm over every single line of player feedback it is always a good idea to create guidelines for measuring severity, impact and recurrence of each report. 100 players reporting a spelling mistake is less severe and less impactful on the Player Experience than 5 players not being able to claim in-game rewards.

Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

6) Make players happy by handing out free stuff

Sure, everyone likes getting things for free. But when it comes to Player Support messages, gifts and free in-game currency aren’t always the answer, however. Especially not when it doesn’t correct the issue reported accordingly. Ensuring the root of the problem has been resolved and the problem won’t occur again goes a long way and shows the feedback was taken to heart.

Players want to be heard and their distress understood; not sent off with a mere token of goodwill. At best it buys a short repose, but in the worst case makes players feel their concerns are brushed aside.

7) Improve the service by hiring

This is most likely one of the toughest misconceptions out there. Hiring more PS representatives will not improve the quality of service. Under no circumstance is it a substitute for training and educating PS specialists, or investing in automation, tools and workflows.

While hiring more specialists might affect the number of messages that can be handled in a given timeframe, it’s not a sustainable and scalable solution when facing (often temporarily) increased volume. Of course, if the workload for each PS specialist is utterly beyond capacity, increasing the workforce could provide enough leeway to start investing in service improvements.

The 7 misconceptions above are just the tip of the iceberg; they are the ones I have encountered the most. Do you agree or disagree with the misconceptions? If you think I have missed some that irk you personally, please let me know in the comments.

Want to read more Player Support misconceptions? In the following blog I dive into 5 more: 5 More Persistent and Harmful Player Support Misconceptions That Will Affect the Player Experience.

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5 More Persistent and Harmful Player Support Misconceptions That Will Affect the Player Experience


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